Buying tickets
In Tisséo stations
Travelling with Téléo is simple!
All Téléo stations are equipped with automatic ticket machines, just like the metro and tram stations.
Remote purchases
Online shop on
Buy your transport tickets and order your Pastel pass in just a few clicks.

Tisséo app
Buy your tickets / Recharge your Pastel card directly from your phone at home, wherever and whenever you want, and access all Tisséo functions (recharging your Pastel card, interactive maps, timetables, route planning, information and traffic alerts in real time, P+R availability, VélÔToulouse service, etc.)
Free of charge and available in French, English and Spanish. Get it now!
From our sales points
You can buy Tisséo tickets or recharge your Pastel card at nearly 180 partner retailers (newsagents, tobacconists and bakeries) in the Toulouse area. These sales points will have a Tisséo sign or logo in the window. From one of our Tisséo agencies (list and opening hours on
The Pastel card is a practical option for storing season passes and other tickets, and for validating each journey you make. It’s the pass you need to travel around the Tisséo network freely.
- Téléo, as well as all the other Tisséo metro, tram and bus services of the Tisséo network
- departmental bus networks (Lio, TarnBus)
- regional buses and railways (TER)
- VélÔToulouse and Citiz services (self-service bicycle and car hire)

Are you looking to escape the traffic jams and save time? … Sometimes, often or every day? No matter how frequently you use Tisséo transport, we have an option that’s right for you!
For more information on the different tickets and their terms and conditions of access, see the single fare guide available on

From time to time
Highly occasional travel
Fewer than two return journeys per week
Opt for the 10-journey ticket
at 15€40,
valid indefinitely

Occasional travel
2 or 3 return journeys per week
Opt for the new no-commitment
30-day / 30-journey package at

Frequently or fairly often
Regular travel
4 return journeys or more per week
Opt for
the annual ticket
at 48€90/month or the 31-day ticket at 57€/month
Whether you’re a student, worker, senior citizen or simply an individual on the move, Tisséo can help you plan your journeys and your transport budget, with fares tailored to your mobility needs and your personal situation. Depending on your profile and your resources, you could be eligible for our social fares.
Need information or advice?
ALLO TISSEO +33 (0) 5 61 41 70 70
The Allô Tisséo lines are open from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday to Friday, and from 8.30 am to 6.30 pm on Saturdays.
For more information, complete our contact form